Nuove Carene Navali
ad alta efficienza idrodinamica
con riduzione della resistenza di oltre il 20%
Risparmio energetico con
dislocanti a velocità di carene plananti*
* La curva di resistenza è una linea retta
Vendita Brevetto internazionale
di Luigi Mascellaro
Progettista Navale
Innovative Naval Hulls
high hydrodynamic efficiency
with reduced resistance more of 20%
Energy saving due to
displacement at speed of planing hulls*
* Resulting resistance curve is straight line
International Patent Sale
by Luigi Mascellaro
Naval Designer
Self-Lubricated Air
Idonea per vari tipi di imbarcazioni: yachts, traghetti pax, pattugliatori costieri, imbarcazioni da lavoro ecc.
Suitable for various types of vessels: yachts, ferry boats, coastal patrol boats, work boats, etc.
MONOTRICAT Srl - ROMA (ITALY) Via Fosso della Castelluccia, 146/22 (00134) Phone/Fax +39.06.5059219 Mobile +39.335.5846974
Email:, Skype: monotricat Web:
A purpose of this new hull design is to obtain boats which have:
- high efficiency,
- high comfort in navigation,
- large load capacity;
- they are adapted to navigate past the (theoretical) speed determined by the hull, i.e. between displacement and planing.
These results are achieved thanks to a particular hull configuration itself which, starting from a narrow bow proceeds towards the stern, hull section widens and assumes from its cross-section area widening and assuming in its cross-section towards a catamaran shape with a flat bottom. The bow area causes the creation of a turbulence flow (bow spray) as kinetic energy, reducing the laminar resistance of the bottom of the hull. As a side effect this turbulence (kinetic energy) contains air bubbles, reducing friction thru reduced wetted surface.
A 20% energy improvement is attainable with this phenomenon scientifically proven by National Institutes of Research and University Institutes such as: I.N.S.E.A.N. C.N.R. National Research Council - Institute of the Naval Basin of Rome, and Navy Department of UNITS - University of Trieste.
These Institutes confirm that this hull is able to obtain a reduction in the wave formation and to transform the kinetic energy of the wave itself into pressure energy under the aft area with consequent lifting of the same; a reduction in resistance; fuel consumption decreased also by 20 percent (scientifically proven); recovery of spray formed by the bow and conveyed under the hull; reduction in the pitch; less influence of adverse weather-sea conditions; high load capacity (tested on a self-propelled 26,24 ft (8 m) long model); high capacity for self-righting.
The study of this new hull has been developed over time with the creation of dozens of 4,92 to 26,24 ft (1.5 to 8 m) long boats tested in open waters and shallow waters, both at sea and at lake, with or without engine. The last tests, made with ship trailers, were performed in January 2009 at the Navy Department of the University of Trieste, and in August 2010 and August 2011 at the INSEAN - CNR - Naval Basin Institute in Rome (Hull C2565 and Hull C2565A).
Results obtained by this new architecture of hull that has been designed for 147,60 to 164 ft (45 – 50 m) long ships for civil and military purposes are as follows:
1) Reduction in frictional resistance by incorporating bow sprays (foam).
2) Increased load capacity at equal length thanks to a greater width (platform effect).
3) Increased comfort in adverse sea and weather conditions.
4) High stability of the platform.
5) Increased manoeuvrability in confined areas.
6) Less draught.
7) Wide possibilities of various propulsors according to the use.
8) Significant increase in autonomy.
9) Overcoming limitations typical of displacement hulls: the curve of the resistance appears to be a straight line (see model Trieste 2009).
The technical and scientific checks at points 1 and 2 were performed with INSEAN – C.N.R. of ROME. In order to demonstrate performances of points 3, 4 and 5, I have used a self-propelled 26,24 ft x 7,87 ft (8 m x 2.4 m) model in open water. Available for full-scale test.
Further changes were made in 2011, resulting in a further significant decrease in resistance by 10 percent; changes, and relevant tests were always performed in the Naval Basin of Rome INSEAN-CNR.
On the basis of these long and exhaustive tests carried out, it can be stated that this new hull ensures high comfort in navigsting, even in adverse sea and weather conditions. Improved seakeeping abilities are derived from wave-piercing and stability. The WAVE-PIERCING effect is caused from bow design. The stability is a result from length / width ratio (l / b : 2.8 to 3.6). This hull design also reduce the generation of pattern waves, recovering kinetic energy, turbulent flow and spray in tunnels, variable pressure in the bottom of hull ("mono-stab" effect, i.e. its structure does not vary in accordance with the speed variation). These characteristics co-operate for reducing the water resistance, while the accelerated flow of water in the engines area improves efficiency. Also for purposes of military defence this new hull has advantages thanks to the remarkable stability even in adverse sea and weather conditions that facilitates the ability to search and to point, permits maximum manoeuvrability in restricted waters, less draught, the use of different engines depending on the use, higher load capacity (platform effect), overcoming the limitations typical of dislocating hulls (the curve of resistance appears to be almost a straight line). For the marine police this new hull is also ideal for patrolling, monitoring and controlling water.
The Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport - Department for Transport, Navigation and General Affairs, General Directorate for Supervision of Port Authorities, Port Infrastructures and Maritime Transport and Internal Waterways, with PEC communication of the 1 August 2018 (M_INF.VPTM.OFFICIAL REGISTER.U.0020653.01-08-2018 Prot. DGVPTM / DIV.4 / MM), has certified the suitability of the Monotricat hull for the renewal of the fleet of naval units for transport services local maritime public and for the construction of passenger ferries based on the certification of the CNR and the University of Trieste about the ability of this naval architecture to reduce the viscose friction resistance of water, and therefore the possibility for those who use the Monotricat hull to access the Funds allocated in Budget Law for the renewal of the fleet of units naval.