Nuove Carene Navali
ad alta efficienza idrodinamica
con riduzione della resistenza di oltre il 20%
Risparmio energetico con
dislocanti a velocità di carene plananti*
* La curva di resistenza è una linea retta
Vendita Brevetto internazionale
di Luigi Mascellaro
Progettista Navale
Innovative Naval Hulls
high hydrodynamic efficiency
with reduced resistance more of 20%
Energy saving due to
displacement at speed of planing hulls*
* Resulting resistance curve is straight line
International Patent Sale
by Luigi Mascellaro
Naval Designer
Self-Lubricated Air
Idonea per vari tipi di imbarcazioni: yachts, traghetti pax, pattugliatori costieri, imbarcazioni da lavoro ecc.
Suitable for various types of vessels: yachts, ferry boats, coastal patrol boats, work boats, etc.
MONOTRICAT Srl - ROMA (ITALY) Via Fosso della Castelluccia, 146/22 (00134) Phone/Fax +39.06.5059219 Mobile +39.335.5846974
Email:, Skype: monotricat Web:
Behavior in navigation of Monotricat hull at 13kn and 16kn
The video shows how the Monotricat hull gives the impression of power in the presence of waves, even if they are small. Thanks to the wave-piercing bow, he has dealt exceptionally with waves almost two meters high.
In the video, a PROTOTYPE of Monotricat hull used to Scuba divers and diving courses on Bolsena Lake while going at speeds 13 and 16 knots, and reaches 26 knots with 180 hp, although with a 4 tons displacement (courtesy of Mr Paolo Monachello).
Monotricat hull in Towing Tank
Source: Youtube channel Tommaso De Luca.
Test in Towing Tank of Trieste University - Department of Naval Engineering; tests and videos edited by Prof. Igor Zotti.
Monotricat hull in Towing Tank
Source: Youtube channel Tommaso De Luca.
Test in Towing Tank of Trieste University - Department of Naval Engineering; tests and videos edited by Prof. Igor Zotti.